It seems like right now Gooning is having a moment. Every social media platform seems to be an endless stream of gooning related memes and influencers in a state of gooning. It is very clear to me that we all have very different ideas of what it actually is. From huffing on poppers, to porn addiction, to being in a trance, to drooling and putting your tongue out. We all have our own version of gooning that we aim to achieve.
What really is gooning and why would we want to do it?
I'd like to position gooning as an extension of an edging practice. Edging is the process of getting yourself close to ejaculation and then stopping. You then continue doing this for as long as you can or want to. Edgers are people who will do this for long periods of time so that they can enjoy the intense feelings of pleasure this brings to them.
Gooning, then, is what happens when we continually edge for long periods of time. It happens when we enter in a trance like state brought on by feelings of pleasure that we give ourselves. The continual build up and increasing pleasure triggers us to want more pleasure and it is this feedback loop that is the gooning state. We want more and more and don't want to stop.
Gooning is often associated with poppers and weed. Poppers and weed are often used by people to heighten their feelings. Their mind altering abilities can help people to focus less on the world around them and focus instead on the pleasure in the here and now. If we agree that the aim of gooning is to enter a trance like state, it makes sense that using drugs can aid some people to get into the right place. This is not say the only way to do so is with poppers or weed, but that is why popular culture often associates the two things together.
The other main association with gooning that I continually see is with pornography. It positions gooners as people who are addicted in some way to porn and who look at it endlessly. Leaving aside the argument of whether someone can actually be addicted to porn itself (I don't believe you can be), the association exists because gooners use porn to help stay in the moment. Porn and other visual, auditory or physical stimulations help a gooner to go deeper into themselves and to enjoy the moment they are experiencing.
Which brings us to the last, and probably the hardest association to escape, the physical manifestations of someone who is gooning. You know what they look like, they pull funny faces, they drool, and they babble about their penis. What makes this hard for people to understand is that this is both easily mimicked (we all know what we see on the internet is not always what it seems), but also the most personal. One person might never pull faces, another might never talk or make noises. But that doesn't mean another person won't. Sometimes it can help to do physical things to help get us into the right headspace, in much the same ways that using drugs or pornography might help us. So while it can be easy to get caught up in these physical behaviours and whether they are real or not it really doesn't matter so long as we are pleasuring ourselves.
For me personally, I have seen many different kinds of gooners, both through my bate club and my personal life. Not one person has been the same. My own experience is that I can get really into a gooned state after prolonged periods of porn and edging. When I am in this state I can not stop reaching for my cock and wanting to play with it more and more. I also usually start to make moaning sounds and speed up my bating, going faster and faster. I love the feeling of being so into my cock and my pleasure that I can think of nothing else I would rather be doing in that moment.
I am going to leave this newsletter with a call out for you all to try and goon more. Don't get hung up on the how but focus more on the intense feelings of pleasure which you are able to give yourself. Gooning and edging go together and once you learn one you can learn the other. Go forth and experiment and as always share your experiences with me and others.