What a fortnight it has been! I have been working my cock so hard and giving myself so much pleasure! I've been edging, I've been using my toys, I've been taking viagra, I even managed to get to a national park and jerk off! I hope you've been able to dedicate some time to your self pleasure too.
This issue is going to feature a couple of bate stories.These stories are based on real experiences of myself but the actual detail has been enhanced to make a better story. Through my work I often get told by men that they love hearing about how others are experiencing or practicing as it makes them feel more secure in their own habits. Over the coming months I will be writing some more bator stories but also if you ever want to share your bate stories always feel free to reach out to me via any of the regular channels ( replying to this email,
instagram etc).
Lastly before we get to this fortnights issue, don't forget I have started the
Man Tools Bate Support Program. For a monthly fee of $10 you get 1 on 1 coaching, advice, and support from me in your bate practice. I know there are lots of you out there who want and need this support. So please go register your interest and we can have a discussion about what you might want or need as the program will be tailored to you personally.