A warm welcome to the number 1 newsletter dedicated to the discussion and promotion of male masturbation. The mission of Man Tools is to provide advice and support for men to explore their self pleasure and masturbation practices as a form of sexual pleasure and sexual identity.
This week I opened up a
Threadless store to sell T-shirts and other things. I plan to add in a few different designs over the coming months but for now I have added in a simple design using the Man Tools logo. If there are any ideas or particular designs you would like to see let me know!
Also if you missed it earlier my good friend Nick from
BatorBro did an interview on the
Recon Podcast. In it he talks all about bate culture and how he views it within the kink community. Definitely worth a listen.
And if you enjoy listening to that also don't forget that we do a weekly Twitter Space (you can listen to last weeks episode
here). It is held every Wednesday (Thursday for me) on
Nick's Twitter so come along and add your voice to our conversation!