Welcome to another issue of the world's best fortnightly newsletter dedicated to the discussion of male masturbation! This past week I hit 1000 people subscribed to the newsletter! When I started this last year I couldn't have imagined what hitting so many subscribers would be like and here we are! So thank you!
The primary purpose of this newsletter is to provide a safe space in which men can come together and share their wants and needs. So remember I am always willing to listen and talk to you about anything you are experiencing. If you want something even more personal then come and join the
bate support program. For
$10 per month, this program provides a weekly 30 min chat in which you can discuss what you have been doing and what you want to explore. If you would like to have an initial chat to see if this is something you want to participate in then simply reply to this email and tell me you are interested and I will set up a 15min Zoom chat.
In the coming months I am also going to be working on an exercise in which we all share our bate journals. Starting in January you will have the opportunity to journal your bate practice and to discuss this with other men. So stay tuned for that and if you have any ideas for this exercise please let me know.