January 6 special counsel Jack Smith is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to rule against a motion that Donald Trump’s attorneys filed in the D.C. Circuit Court arguing that Trump is immune from prosecution for any actions he took as president. The D.C. judge ruled against Trump, but Smith, knowing Trump’s tactics of delay, leap-frogged over lower appeals courts and went straight to the Supreme Court. The Court has signaled that they will expedite a ruling, which gives the best hope that Smith’s case in the D.C. Circuit Court could be tried before the 2024 election.
As TAN has noted before, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife Ginni communicated after the 2020 election with former chief of staff Mark Meadows and attorney John Eastman, both indicted with Trump in the Georgia conspiracy case, about concerns with the outcome of the election. Some have wondered if she might have crossed some legal lines.
In October, Thomas did recuse himself from a case directly involving Eastman, his former law clerk, but he did not recuse in a previous case that Trump had appealed.
Tell the Court that it is essential to the integrity of the Court that Thomas recuse from any case involving January 6 and insist that they rule on this case promptly so that citizens will know the extent of Trump’s legal culpability before the election.