Welcome to another issue of the best (am I biased?) newsletter about male masturbation there is! I would be grateful if could you spread the word on my humble little newsletter. I think this message is one that many men could get something from so feel free to forward it on or send people over to the website and get them to sign up!
For those of you who don't follow me on
Instagram you might not have heard about how much fun I've been having inviting some new bate buddies around. I even had a group session this week with two of my existing buds which was so much fun and hot as hell! I absolutely recommend finding some bate buddies if you don't have any.
Lastly just a general reminder that if you want to support this newsletter then please consider signing up for the
VIP Club for just $5 per month! Or if you are in need of some deeper help or someone to talk about your bate with, sign up for the
Bate Support Program. This is designed as a program to give you space to talk about and explore what your bate practice means to you and how that is part of who you are!