I don't know if anyone else is feeling like you can't believe it is November already. I will admit that I might be a Mariah Carey tragic (please do judge me) and so I have already started planning Christmas and preparing to decorate my house! I always start getting into Christmas from the 1st of November so I have maximum time to enjoy it!
This weekend I am also hosting the last JackALL club event in Sydney for the year. To say that it has been great fun is the understatement of the year. I have learnt so much about myself, about others, about how to create community. I hope that I get to do this for the rest of my life. It has been so rewarding! So make sure if you are in Sydney that you come along to it!
I also became a Bateworld Ambassador!!! This month you may have noticed they are running a campaign called #YES-Nut-November. You can buy yourself a T-shirt to help raise funds for Testicular Cancer Awareness foundation. It is also sponsored by our good friends at Bator Balm (the best Bator lubricant on the market!). So please make sure to support their campaign!
Lastly over the coming weeks I will be asking for my annual review and feedback on what you have found useful, what you want more of, what you want less of. Please be honest and give as much feedback as you can! It will drive the direction for Man Tools over the next 12 months.
My mission for Man Tools is:
"To provide advice and support for men to explore their self pleasure and masturbation practices as a form of sexual pleasure and sexual identity."
Why did you bate today?
One of the best things about being a bator, is that you can literally do it for any number of reasons. So this issue I thought we would explore some of the reasons you may bate and why this may be the case.
One of the main reasons we often have for bating is that we get a feeling of horniness. That can be evidenced by thoughts, feelings or sensations that we typically associate with wanting some sexual activity. It is an easily accessed feeling and we know how to satisfy it. In these moments and with these feelings we often get aroused very easily and have no trouble getting into it.
Another time we might turn to bating is when we are bored. We might be sitting around the house with nothing to do. Or you might even be at work having a quiet day with little to do. This is another time in which you might turn to bating both as a way of alleviating the boredom you are feeling and experiencing, and also as a way of experiencing pleasure and fun.
Or we may even turn to bating when we are lonely. As men we are more likely to experience loneliness as part of our everyday experience. One way in which we may deal with that loneliness is to turn towards our bate practice. We may seek to self soothe ourselves by giving and experiencing intense periods of pleasure with ourselves. We may also use that experience of loneliness to seek out other bators and therefore to share our bates with them as a way of not feeling lonely.
But of course we may also turn to our bate practice because we are experiencing joy and happiness. Bating can be a great way of celebrating ourselves as it connects us to our selves through our pleasure. In these moments we can give ourselves over to the immense feelings and sensations of our bodies. So why wouldn't you want to celebrate your life and yourself in this way?
The last way we may come to our bate is for no reason at all. You might have not be experiencing any feelings or thoughts with which you wish to enter your bate. Instead it might just be an opportunity that presented itself and you took it. You might have found yourself home alone with some time to spare. You might have found yourself looking at twitter or telegram. Whatever it is, you didn't start out with an intention to bate but it just happened.
I want to let you know that any of these reasons are entirely valid for starting to bate. In fact any reason you can think of is a reason to bate. Too often we judge ourselves for bating too much, or for bating at inappropriate times, or for using bating as a way to escape. Instead of judging ourselves and our bate practice I instead want to encourage you to accept and embrace it. Bate for all the above reasons. Bate to escape. Bate to feel. Bate for pleasure. Just bate!
So why did you bate today? Or why didn't you bate today? How can we all learn to judge ourselves less through our bate practice?
Well I hope you enjoyed this exploration. If you have any feedback or thoughts on this topic or any other I am always here to listen. I love it when guys share their stories with me.
One last call out that if you do want to help support this newsletter then the best way is to sign up to the VIP Club. You get every issue before anyone else as well as bonus issues and other perks. All for just $5 per month!