Many men have different ideas about what edging means. Can you give your definition of what it means to you? Edging is many things to many guys and that’s cool. At its heart it’s about delay of orgasm. Why do we do that? Edging is the engine of true bate. Without edging, I can’t achieve anything spectacular. No multi cums, no dry orgasms or anything like that. For me, precision edging is a solitary act. It’s me and my penis in communion. Of course it can involve others but if it does it’s different. It never reaches the intense focus of just my penis and my hand. Edging allows me to layer on more and more pleasure. I write about this in my book the
24Hr Masturbation Master. When we hit the first edge, we max out our penis. It will shoot if we stroke a few strokes too many. If we hold off and begin to edge again, we don’t start from the same place. We actually max out our penis pleasure at a higher intensity. If we do this over and over, we lay the pleasure on thick. I love to get to the point where a single stroke makes the difference between pulling up short and going over that point of no return to orgasm. That kind of intensity is what I live for. That’s precision edging. In that moment I honesty think I have found heaven on earth.
Any advice you would give to bators about how to take their bates to the next level Yeah, many guys want to become advanced bators and that takes a bit of study. Masturbation is a craft and like any craft, mastery over it needs practice. There are a lot of resources now for those who want to become exceptionally good bators. Set yourself goals. Do you want to double your duration? Double the frequency? Discover dry orgasms? Make orgasm last longer? All is possible if you study the masters and apply their techniques. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t do it immediately. I masturbated for twenty five years before I became the dick wizard I am. Love what you do. Love your body. Love your penis. Don’t accept that your sexual pleasure has limitations.