This edition I wanted to highlight something that came up in the most recent Twitter Space that I co-host with my good friend Nick from
Bator Bro Parties. We had a special guest
FiveOn1 who gave us all a quick chemistry lesson around Poppers. I have summarised the discussion below but if you are even slightly interested I highly recommend listening to the
whole discussion. I really walked away having a light bulb moment and really understanding more about poppers then I ever have.
The first thing to note is that poppers are a combination of two molecules, nitric oxide and carbon. Carbon atoms are big and that they get in the way of releasing nitric oxide which is the part that has an effect on you. It is the release of the nitric oxide in the body that causes vasodilation and this is what gives you the effect of a head rush. What this means is that according to how many Carbon molecules are present in the compound will effect how quickly you feel the effects of inhaling poppers.
Let's now talk about the four types available on the market:
1. Propyl Nitrite This has 3 carbon atoms and is the most fast acting of all the popper variants. It has a CAS number of 541-42-4.
2. Butyl nitriteThis has 4 carbon atoms and is in the middle in terms of how fast it acts. It has a CAS number of 544-16-1
3. Pentyl NitriteThis has 5 carbon atoms and is the slowest acting (along with Amyl). It has a CAS number of 463-04-7
4. Amyl NitriteThis one is basically the same as Pentyl (though it does have a slightly difference chain composition). It has 5 carbon atoms and has a CAS number of 110-46-3
The reason I have given you the CAS number above is that for lots of poppers bottles you will be able to find the CAS number on the label along with the name. You will also (as I have) find that in some circumstances they will combine different types to give you different effects.
One way to try and find the right kind for you is to see if you can order a bottle of each type. Then you can experiment with small doses of each and see which one you like more. You might find that the fast acting ones are better or worse. Or maybe you like the middle ones more and they give you less headaches. Just try experimenting with the different types and see how they effect you differently.
Till next time bators