I am sure you have all been there. You think you want to bate. You think you want to ejaculate. But something is just missing. You just don't feel horny enough. I recently experienced this and even though I was trying to just push through I just could not get hard or even remotely close to being able to cum. But I did not let this stop me. I kept looking for ways to inspire myself and get hard and of course I thought, how about I share these tips with you to see if they help others!
1. Change your position - I almost always jerk off in the same position, usually seated. So when I was hanging out with my bate buddies someone suggested they enjoyed doing it while kneeling and I thought that was a great idea. So I tried moving around the room as I was playing with myself. I stood up, I sat down, I got on my knees, all while I continued to play with myself.
2. Lean into sexual triggers - This can be anything from smells, sounds, touch, or visual aids. This can also be looking for new triggers. Maybe you want to listen to some bate sounds when you normally wouldn't. Maybe you want to look for a particular kind of porn. Go through all the triggers you can think of and try them out for the moment and see what happens.
3. Get out some toys - Whenever I am feeling particularly not aroused and I know that I want to bate, I always get out my vibrating toys. There's something I enjoy about just letting the vibrations take over my soft, flaccid penis. This will give you something else to focus on that might be different to your regular bate session. It might be difficult if you can't get hard but sometimes you can persevere and get past that.
4. Take a break - If after trying out all the above steps you still can't get hard then maybe you just need to take a short break. Stand up, go for a walk, or go and do something else. It doesn't have to be a very long break but sometimes by stopping and doing something else it can help change your thought processes and allow you to come back. It may also be that you decide you need a longer break and that is totally ok as well.
5. Keep trying - Sometimes persistence is key. In my case I tried all of the above but none of them worked. My penis still would not participate. So I did what anyone would do and I just kept going. I kept flipping through porn. I kept playing with my penis. I just kept going. Eventually I started to get those feelings deep inside and 1 min later I was up and ready.
It is really frustrating to want to bate but even though you try everything you just can't get hard or you just can't cum. I hope one of these ideas might be able to spark something inside you that can overcome it. If it does send me a note!
Till next time bators Ben