Welcome to another edition of the #1 newsletter dedicated to the discussion of bate practice, bate culture, and everything else bate! If you are new here then welcome. I hope you find these discussions useful and if you ever want to discuss them further, then you can always reach out to me!
Just a quick reminder that Bateworld's #
yesnutnovember campaign is still running so you still have time to buy a
t-shirt and help raise funds for the testicular Cancer Awareness foundation.
Also it is that time of the year when I seek your
feedback on the newsletter (and other Man Tools related activities). So if you can take the time to fill out this survey then I would really appreciate it! I would bribe you with gifts but I am poor so can't afford one! I really value this feedback and I use it to plan for the new year's activities and where to spend my time so please please
fill it out!
Also if you find any value in the work I do on Man Tools, whether in the newsletter, or on
Instagram, or on
Telegram, then consider joining the
Man Tools VIP Club. Your monthly contribution is used to continue the mission of Man Tools: