Let that sink in.
There are currently many books exploring the potential demise of democracy and the political freedoms we cherish. Almost all of them speak to one side of the political spectrum and have virtually no chance of reaching the other side where it might make an impact.
To Stop a Tyrant is different.
Based on my forty years serving in a non-partisan capacity in Washington DC, I have written the book so it speaks to all but those at the very fringes of their political persuasion. I have tested it with thoughtful people on both sides of the aisle and am confident I have largely achieved my purpose.
The most common response I receive from those who hear about the book is:
“Boy, is that timely!” Yes, it is
and it also addresses a timeless
challenge – the prevalence of strongmen rising to political power, while their followers disregard the dangers they pose.
To Stop a Tyrant addresses this problem in two ways. 1) It explores the warning signs that a political leader is becoming a “prototyrant” while they can still be stopped, and 2) it suggests how followers at different degrees of closeness to the leader can make a difference if they resist conforming or colluding and act courageously.
You will find your place in this book and how you can make a difference in the face of deeply troubling trends in the current political landscape. You can then pass it to family members, whether they share your concerns or think very differently than you.