In our last newsletter, we showed you how we process our seeds. The next step is to segregate our seeds into two categories: for saving and for selling. The seeds we will keep and hold back for our archives and future planting are put in labeled brown envelopes. The seeds we will make available to you for purchase through our online store are in labeled green envelopes. Each label lists the identification of its seed contents and the minimum number of seeds it contains. Filling these envelopes with the seeds can be tedious, but we do not want our customers to be shorted seeds when they buy from us. Once the envelopes are filled, depending on their color, the envelope is either entered into our seed archives or the inventory for our online store. Our online store inventory changes as new seeds are processed, sorted, and placed into labeled envelopes. The photos are from when we recently packaged our
Grandma Bechtel’s Pole Bean (BN081). Each package contains a minimum of 25 seeds. These beans and other seeds are available now because soon it will be time to plant your 2024 garden.